

Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

Zaytoun Clinics

Logo Design
Zaytoun Clinic is a new venture in Jammu & Kashmir, India, aiming to establish a multi-specialty clinic that utilizes natural medicines to treat patients. The clinic is dedicated to providing world-class facilities and services in the healthcare industry.


During the discovery call, the founder of Zaytoun Clinic expressed the need for a logo that incorporates elements of an olive and a tree. This design would symbolize that the medicines they use are natural and derived from the Earth, with a significant emphasis on olive-based ingredients.


Our team’s approach was to come up with an abstract of a tree merged with olive to signify to fulfill the requirements of the client. The brand colors were chosen to be as green to signify earth combined with a shade of black as primary and white as secondary color.


We delivered three logo drafts to the client, from which they selected the final design. This chosen logo closely resembled their original vision and met their requirements.